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Podcast Production by: Julia McCall
Authentic Media Podcast
Your Growth Game Plan: Strategies for Scaling Success ft. Anthony Blanco | Ep #6
In this week's episode of The Authentic Media Podcast, Danielle and business coach Anthony Blanco continue their lively conversations about business—something they love to jam on regularly.
Together, they dive deep into what truly drives business success. Anthony highlights why leadership often outweighs scalability and tackles the impatience many entrepreneurs face while chasing shortcuts to success.
With over 20 years of coaching experience, Anthony shares his insights alongside Danielle, as they explore topics like building sustainable systems, designing a balanced life, and climbing the economic value ladder. From enhancing your digital presence to mastering leadership development, this episode is packed with actionable strategies to level up your business and life.
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Podcast: The Coaching Department
IG: @anthonyblanco_coach
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This week on The Authentic Media Podcast.
People need to understand that, like, business isn't life. Business is to help us get what we most desire in life.
If your business is not scaling, you don't have a scalable problem. You have a leadership problem.
That's right. Are you leader by position or are you a leader by people wanting to follow you?
Right. Two very different things. We do not plant and harvest. in the same season. But what I find most of the times is how impatient people are,
Because once they catch the vision, then they try to shortcut, shortcut, shortcut. And that's where they get themselves and their team in trouble.
All right. So here we are, we're in Danielle's podcast studio, but it's going to be as if it's my podcast. In reality, it's kind of still both of our podcasts, right? So Danielle and I are trying to figure out like, how do we do this? How do we jam? Because we just got done doing one for you. Right. And, and on, on your channels, which I'll put on my channels anyway.
Um, and then we're doing the one for me on my channels. And so we're, we're, we're figuring this out.
Right. And we're having fun doing it. And so, uh, we both want, we both want to have different messages that we're sharing and things that we're working on. And so I'm going to, I'm going to go through things that I believe, and this is something that That I coach and train all over the country.
So I've been business coaching and consulting for over 20 years, which is really weird, um, considering I'm only 20 years old. So, uh, so it's really strange, like to feel like that I'm 46 years old, but man, it's just been a wild ride. I feel extremely blessed to be able to impact on so many people. Um, until recently, um, like we just got done talking about.
About, uh, being out there on the, on the internet, having a digital presence. I've had zero digital presence until about two months ago. Uh, when I took, uh, started listening, you know, like Danielle, we're pushing each other out of our comfort zones. And I was like, you gotta be out there. You gotta be out there.
You get out there. I'm like. Oh, this is exhausting to learn all this stuff. And so I've been learning, learning, learning, learning. And so really, uh, this is part of that. This is me starting my own podcast. You and I jamming on a podcast. Me going into understanding how to create social media content, using AI to produce all this stuff.
All that. So that, like I just said something before we got on, I'm like, and maybe people, have heard this before, but if a tree falls in the woods and nobody is around, does it make a sound?
Right. So we can go out and be doing great things for great people, but if we don't, if we're not, if we, if we are not using, um, the stewardship, which means taking our natural gifts and abilities and talents, if we're not using that and we're not amplifying it, out there in the digital world so that people actually know how we can serve them best.
Then are we being a good steward with what we've been put on this earth to do?
Right. It's good. Yeah. So just telling everybody, like I business coach, you've been doing for so long, uh, for about over 20 years, I've been doing keynote speeches. I've been doing, uh, so I'm a speaker. I've had multiple people ask me because of this stuff I post online.
Yeah. And then occasionally they catch a clip. And then people are like, are you a motivational speaker? And I'm like, I don't, I'm a business coach, but like I get, man, I get really excited talking about the things that I talk about. So I think maybe that's why they're like, well, you're very motivational. Um, and my, my goal is to just help people where they're at and get them to think different about what they're thinking about, whether it's businesses, whether it's corporations, whether it's people in there, but it's to get people to change their behavior, to be able to make an impact, how they want to make an impact in their personal and professional life.
And I do that through business coaching. I do that through speaking and I do that through, through training. So that's,
yeah, he does all the things. Yeah.
You know, like I do. And then like Danielle and I are talking again and I'm like, She'd asked me, I don't know, like six months ago, she's like, yeah, but what do you do?
Like, what is your one thing you do? And I'm like, Danielle, I do, I can do this and this and this and this and this and this and this.
Uh, but as her and I have both been on, I would say aligned journeys or paths, but not the same path. Yeah. Is that we've, we've all learned, we've both learned the things that we need to learn at the right time or hear differently from a different person.
Um, that says, okay, got it. Right. So check. And so, uh, me specializing more or less in what I'm doing for the business coaching, uh, speaking, which I'm like, okay, I'll do more of the speaking. Like when I do it, I do it well. I have great reviews. I'm like, so I looked at as prompting. Like when other people tell you, this is what you do well, like you've got to pay attention to that.
Um, and then team training is something that I love to do because again, I like to see people. Um, Start a day, like when I'm doing a full day of team training, when I see them start a day in one way where they're like this to end up at the end of the day, when sometimes there's tears, sometimes they're asking questions.
Sometimes they're like, how do I follow you on social media? And at that time I'm like, I don't really,
which we're working on, we're getting
better at. So,
yeah, so that's like, um, it's my podcast. Danielle is going to interview me, kind of like, I'm going to say things and talk about
and she's here for fun.
So she's going to creatively ask me questions.
Because sometimes I think when you are, and I are talking to whoever it may be, our audience is like, we know what we're talking about or we know what we're saying, but sometimes our audience needs that clarification.
Who we are and like what we do, you know what I mean?
So like, yeah, I mean, so really Anthony and I go way back like a couple of years. And so we have been on this, like you said, just similar journey of like trying to figure out what, what is it that we can do and like, how do we amplify it in this digital world because it's, It's always changing, right? And so like, I love how our text messages are just like filled with like, Hey, check out this tool.
Check out this tool. Check this out. And it's just like, this is just the beginning of what is going to be monumental.
That is. It's going to be. So I'm super excited to like
be here and get to know, really not even get to know you, but to like, Yeah. help package how people can understand like what you do offline and why it matters.
And so we can definitely get into, um, you know, just essentially like business coaching because I think whether you believe it or not, we just had a podcast about, you know, personal branding and figuring out who you are. So definitely have to check out that episode. But essentially we've talked about the best way to like, really like Nisha, you are is like, figure out all the things that you do and like, how do you package it?
Right. And so we can maybe like simply identify like business coaching as your thing. And then in that is like all of these different pillars and avenues, um, even though business coaching is so broad, like this episode is specifically going to help people, um, understand What you do and why you do it and why it's so important.
Yeah. So, so we'll go over concepts, right? Because like, if I was going to do business coaching and a podcast, like every business is different, just like an owner would be. So they've all got their essentially personal business personality profile.
Right. And everybody has their individual needs. Right.
And so I like to start high level just with like, I want people to create agreement with me. Some concepts that I believe are important. Okay. And so the number one concept that I share with businesses, right. When I first worked with them, because I want to understand what they're thinking, because not all businesses will want to work with me.
And I'm okay with that. It's like you and I talked about, I don't need to. be here to serve everybody. I'm not here to serve everybody. I'm here to serve the people that align. Right.
And so I heard this concept called wealth windows and I absolutely love the concept. And so when I was like, Oh, Oh, Oh, like I got to share this with everybody.
So I've been sharing it with everybody. And so in wealth windows, it talks about money, how to think about money differently. Okay. And how about earn earning money, whether it's through as employment, whether it's through self employment, whether Sue, uh, how we think about business, whatever it may be. And so let me take you through this.
And so if you want to imagine that there, I'm going to, I'm going to draw, Hey, maybe you can,
maybe you can edit this. Yeah.
So there's a, there's a window here. If you guys want to imagine this, like over the bottom left, there's this guy and this guy looks at money and, and his name is. Okay, that's has a job.
Okay. Now the issue with Hajj is that he has a usually, you know, these aren't, these aren't laws, right? These are principles. So usually an employment, so has a job, has less time, flexibility and freedom and has less money, flexible and, uh, uh, uh, uh, income than they would typically have.
right. Because they are working for somebody else.
Yeah. Does that
make sense? And so what ends up happening is some of the people in this quadrant, they think, well, I want more time and I want more money. So what they do is they go come over here into this next quadrant.
quadrant is that guy's name is OJ owns a job.
And I want to be really clear with what that means, because what ends up happening is people go, well, I own my own business.
Yeah. And
I asked them, is that true? And they go, well, yeah, it's called this. I'm like, okay, you, it's called that.
So my next question is always, can you leave your business for a month and it still makes money? And I will tell you the majority of them say, what do you think?
So you don't. Own a business you own a job
more or less you are an employee of your job of your job, right one of the few
right and what you did essentially Is you fired or let go of one boss?
And now you have many bosses in your customers and maybe your employees
and I shared this with a local business owner and he goes Oh my gosh, because my employees own me.
Yeah. Like
I work for them.
Yeah. I'm
like, yes. And so that's the biggest realization in any entrepreneur or business, because here's the deal is that people need to understand that like business isn't life.
Right. Business is to help us get what we most desire in life. And so if you want to look at the one thing that I really dive down in helping business owners do, or, or directors or CEOs, it's helping them design a personal and professional life that helps them maximize and live the life that they desire.
That's, that's what I do, but I do it through different channels. Right.
Yeah. And so
usually when I'm talking to these businesses down here, I'm like, listen, you know, I What would it look like to think differently about how to think about business and how to do business? And they're like, okay, what does that mean?
there's a graduation level So you graduate from owning a job?
and you move up here and this over here is this guy's person is OAS, we call him Oz.
that person is OAS own a system. Okay. Now here's, here's the caveat is when you own a system or you're building a system, a lot of times in business, it takes a lot of time investment and some money investment to build that system.
Right. And so your effort on a scale may be way up here.
you know about this, like when you're trying to build out, like,
we're doing this right now.
Trying to build out systems. So way up here and your income. is closest to the zero mark, but your effort and intensity is up here.
But what ends up happening is over time with consistent effort and intensity, it moves.
So now all of a sudden the system or your effort and intensity come down here and your income is up here. Does that make sense?
That's the hardest thing to get convinced business owners to do or to convince people to think differently. How they think is that they may make less money in the meantime, but they're building something that's going to provide them income time and time again.
And it doesn't require them to have to always be at the business.
Right. Because essentially we want to create financial freedom and wealth.
That's right. So
we can walk away for a little bit. That's right. And not having to be enslaved to. I have to work so I can make money.
Right. So people tell me, they'll say, well, I can't, I can't take vacation.
And I'm like, what do you mean you can't take vacation? Well, I just can't afford it. What do you mean you can't afford it? Well, I can't afford to be gone because if I'm gone, I can't do blah, blah, blah, whatever the thing is.
I said, it's that it's not that you can't, it's just you choose not to.
And then they get, they're like, what do you, okay, what? I'm like, it's not that you can't, you can, because I know it's possible because I've coached people how to do it. So it's not a can't issue. It is a choice issue. And now that you're aware that you have a choice to make, you now have, can ask different questions on how to build the system.
Because otherwise what you do is you build a, for lack of better terms, you might, uh, to make you maybe make the point is you build a, you make a money prison. You become dependent. Or that business becomes dependent on you being there and now you're locked in prison with golden handcuffs. So you may be making great income, but, and maybe that's the life you design and that's fine, right?
But I'm not here for those people. I'm here for the people that want to create a commercial profitable enterprise that works without them. That's, that is the place to be, right? So then after you're making money up in this quadrant, what ends up happening is you graduate to the next quadrant where you start to look at, and I don't spend a ton of time talking about this with business owners.
Um, but it's ones where they start taking, uh, the income they're earning over here and they invest it in other things. That could be real estate, could be investments. It could be all kinds of different things over
because I want people to understand the worst income that you can live off of right now is earned income.
It's the highest taxable wage. Okay, so how do we get off of the earned income and just live off our investment income? Yeah, right And so that's that's where I want people and business owners to graduate through these things or to understand How to move through that to create again that personal and professional life, right that they desire and can maximize
Yeah, and remind me the four quadrants.
What are what do you call this? And how do you like? Help people graduate there because It seems like we work so hard, obviously, to get the business going, right? Like in the beginning, you're like hustling. You're like, okay, sure. Got to get it going. Got to get it going. And some people are like, I can't imagine myself walking away for a month or a couple weeks because I I have families to feed.
I have people that, um, are working underneath me. And it's like, a part of them sometimes feels guilty, in a way, because they're responsible. But there's a way that you say, that you say, said, and said that, like, You don't have to be guilty. Mm
mm. Not at all. This
is like, we can get you here without you feeling guilty.
Right. And how do you get them there?
Absolutely. Well, it's a, uh, usually it goes through, like, I do a, uh, a personal professional or a, or a business alignment.
Mm hmm. And
it's to understand, number one, what they want in life. And number two, how does business help them get that most in life? That's every, every interaction stops, starts that way.
Right? Because some people may not want to take 12 weeks of vacation.
Right. Right?
They may want to take four. And they're like, dude, if I could just take one. Like I will be winning great. Well, let's focus on one and then three next year, you know, whatever may be so serve people where they're at But then it's diving down and analyzing where their operations.
Where's their administration? What does their team look like? What does their current income look like is the income based upon them making sales or them doing a thing? So then it's saying okay. Well, how do we take what? Their geniuses get them focused on that and then get them either leveraged into other people who have a similar genius that they can bring into their business that can do that type of work.
So they don't have to all the time, right? But that takes, that takes time.
like when I'm helping people do this stuff, it's not like, Oh yeah, you know, we sat down in this conversation, we drew it on a piece of paper, you get a 90 day plan and it's done.
Right. It's more like a step by step process.
I would say usually it takes anywhere between 12 to 18 months, um, to, for people to really see the impact of the planning. Um, because I'll share this with you is that you do not plant and harvest in the same season. But what I will, but what I find most of the times is how impatient people are because once they catch the vision, then they try to shortcut, shortcut, shortcut.
And that's where they get themselves in their team, their employees in trouble when they're shortcutting the system,
opposed to saying, um, Well, Anthony, yeah, sure, whatever. You can, I'm sure you can help me, like, whatever, right? I'm saying, well, it's not tomorrow,
But if we build the system over the next 12 to 18 months, I know that I can help you do it.
Like, if, Like people want to try to argue that I don't I don't need people to argue with me I've just seen it i've done it i've helped people in all kinds of different things
and I think sometimes people feel like You know, this is just another thing. I don't want to add on I already have my business I already have like my people I need to be responsible for Um, and I hope that every business owner understands that like like you said anything that you plant you're not going to get it tomorrow It takes time and i'm hoping like within the first Two, three years.
Like that's what they say. Like the most hardest businesses are figuring out life, figuring out business. Like it takes time for you to actually become sustainable. Right? Right. But it's like, talk about what would happen if you keep avoiding what's hurting you.
Uh, you're gonna get burned out. I mean, that's where the, uh, I've seen that happen over and over and over is that people.
Um, mentally, physically, they don't, they don't take care of themselves. I mean, you look at the healthcare industry and you look at nurses, um, nurses as a, as a group of people and doctors as a group of people, a lot of them, um, are one of the, and I, this is what nurses have told me, they are one of the most unhealthy groups in the United States.
Why? Because they have spent so much time serving, because it's their heart, serving all these other people that they've emptied their cup. And so what ends up happening is they don't take time to fill their cup. And so it causes burnout, it causes resentment, it causes mental anguish, depression, anxiety.
All those things is a result of not being intentionally about planning your day, your month, your year, and your life. So clarity. Clarity.
Right. And how important is clarity?
Clarity is key. Clarity is confidence. If you don't have clarity, what you're trying to, you know, they, they say that it's, um, um, Yeah, if you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there.
Right. And that's true. And that's what I find with a lot of folks is they're like, you know, they make up goals. They're like, Oh, we should do this much in revenue and that. And I'm like, well, how'd you get that? Well, we just picked it. Okay. So there's no, what I call KPIs, key performance indicators, like who's doing the work.
Who's making the sales. Who's your admin that's handling this stuff. And they're like, I didn't think about that. I'm like, man, you're sitting on like a 10 times business. Like I had this conversation with the business just on Wednesday. And we were talking about at the beginning of the year, I'd say towards the end of last year, they were there.
Their first goals was to do like, I don't know, it was like 267, 000 maybe. Um, and, and, uh, revenue. Right. And I'm like, okay, if we do this, this, and this thing, I said, I'm pretty sure that if we do these things, we do this thing here, we do this thing here that by October. So next month, I'm pretty sure that you guys could hit half a million dollars in, in, uh, in revenue.
They're like, Oh, I don't know. I'm like, just be patient.
Trust me. Follow the steps. And guess what they did last month. 495, 000.
Wow. 495,
Not 500,
000. Right.
But 495, 000.
I'm like, who didn't stay till midnight to get some stuff done to get the 500, 000?
Exactly. Yeah.
But anyways, that's a whole nother funny story, but they didn't know that there's, there's money that they don't know that's coming in until after the month closed.
Right. So some of that money came in, which pushed them that close. Yeah. But. That's the importance of it right there is like being clear, but we did the planning over a year ago with the steps that needed to happen.
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Um, talk to me about why that's important and like what are they not really like understanding when it comes to that?
Sure, so there is this concept that I picked up That's called the economic value ladder. Okay. And so the first step in the economic value ladder is, is all about the doing. What do, what do you do?
And so when we look at the doing or the implementation,
is what people are going to get paid the least at.
And what I find is when I'm talking to people, whether they're business owners or whether it is people working at a job and they're like, well, I want to get paid more, I'm like, well, you're doing the doing.
Mm hmm.
And they're like, but I understand, like, I'm supposed to get doing the doing. I'm like, that's fine that you're doing the doing, you're doing the implementation, but just understand that the next step up in the economic value ladder is actually unity.
that's why, like, I would say that owners or business managers or directors get paid more than the people that are doing right.
So it's a step up in the economic value ladder.
what most people do is not, I mean, when I got this and I understood like what my gifts are and my abilities, yeah. I graduated out of the, uh, out of the implementation and I graduated out of the unity. I'm still there when some, some things that I do, but I graduated into that.
The there's a, there's a line that supercharges your income, whether you're a person, a business owner, professional.
And so if you get your communication down and you start rocking that out in such a way, um, that you're learning how to talk better, you're learning how to email better, you're learning how to text better, you're learning all these, you're learning how to get a point across better, is that will pay you two to three to four to five times more than the unity level.
Right. However, what I find is that most people spend their time at the implementation and the unity, but they want to get paid like they're at the communication level. Yeah. Right. But they don't want to work on the communication. Right. Because they're like, no, I just want to get, I just want to get paid at this level.
Yeah. Or I hear a lot of people say it must be nice.
I'm like, well, if it must be nice, then go do the work to become this. Right. Right. I've worked with so many companies where maybe there's a sales team. What do sales people do? Right. They what?
They talk. They communicate. Right? So I have admin teams that are like, well, I, that must be nice that they're getting paid.
I said, that's no problem. I said, you can interview for the, for the team. Right? So you can interview for that team. And they're like, well, I don't want to do that. I don't like it. So then don't be expected to pay like you were a sales professional. Right? Or that you're at the communication level and that's fine.
That's okay. But then the max level of economic value is imagination and vision.
that right there will again, yo, yeah. So like, if you can see it,
that's good.
And you can vision it and then you can communicate it. To the people.
That's what's going to set you apart from anybody.
And so what I, when I'm talking to people like a business owner that just had this conversation last week
I said, listen, you guys, I said, listen, and, and these are, these are in this specific trait, these, uh, this is a dentist I'm talking to.
Okay. So dentists can earn a very good living, very, very good income at the implementation phase. Yeah. However, yeah. What I taught them is I said, listen, you can come up to the communication and vision phase. You can grow from a practice to five practices. You can move. Instead of being a practitioner all the time, you can move into a visionary and communication and coaching phase inside your business.
You can have other people, other dentists come in and do the implementation. You can hire directors to be your, Your unity people, your office managers, right? That will grow your wealth and income exponentially. Anywhere, usually between five to eight times their valuation by making that transition.
And so that's the important of people understanding that. to fire themselves as quickly as possible from implementation as fast as possible. You and I were just talking, uh, at, at our first podcast today, um, you and I were talking about like you essentially firing yourself from you doing editing on your podcast.
And I said, right, because what does Danielle do? Well, she has vision and she communicates,
if she's spending, if you have. If you have time in a day or, or you have, let's say you have 80 percent of your time is spent on editing, right? You're not spending 80 time on creating vision and communicating.
You're spending it on click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, right? And I'm like, the
lowest, like,
the lowest value of economic value. You're like, you're like, man, I've got this value. Like, how do I, how do I get, how do I provide, provide such value that I get paid for it? I'm like. Danielle, then quit doing the editing crap.
Like you asked me, you're like, well, I could teach you how to edit. This is like a month ago or whatever. And I'm like,
no, I don't get paid to
edit videos. That's not my job.
Right. My job is to encourage, is to build, is to create behavior changes, to implement strategies, implement. tactics to grow people in businesses.
Again, going all the way back to helping business owners get what they want.
Yeah. Yeah. And I think it's like a process that we all have to like get through, because like, like I said, in the beginning, I mentioned that every business owner and company goes through a space of like survival, right. Where you have to like do everything and figure everything out until you can get people in places.
But it sounds like even when we're talking about economic value, that like, Even business owners and companies, it sounds like they get to a space where they're comfortable. They are producing, they're scaling a little bit, but there's still some like blind spots. Like, you know what I mean? So it, it, it always sounds like that companies and businesses need business advisors essentially, because like you're going to come in and you're going to expose like the blind spots and like what they're not seeing.
Um, because when you're so involved in and you don't have any other. external or outsider perspective. Like sometimes it's like, you don't know what's killing you. That's
right. Yeah. Coach operates in, I would tell you that coaches operate in people's blind spots.
Yeah. So people like, are you a consultant?
A consultant tells you
what you should do, what you
should do. A coach helps you, right. The
helps mentor you and to ask the right questions about what you should do. Give suggestions.
But at the end of the day, it's like, Yeah. You can do whatever you think is best for you, but yes, I, I definitely love that.
Okay. So after economic value, what's something else that you walk through with businesses that is super important?
All right. So when I say that I'm onboarding a new client, the number one thing they'll talk about is leadership is that your personal professional life will only grow to your current level of leadership.
hundred percent.
Right. And so they're like, well, my business won't grow. I said, well, then what have you been doing to grow? What are you reading? What are you listening to? What are you watching? Who are you hanging out with? And they're like, uh, what do you do in the evenings? What do you do in the mornings?
And they're like, I, I mean, I get up, I get, you know, you're like, like, there's no, there's no, there's no building into themselves. Yeah.
Yeah. Right.
And we have to look at John Maxwell's law of growth and his first law of law of leadership and combine those two things Is that if we want if we want more out of our business, then we've got to become more
right if we want more of their team, we've got to become more
and i've said it like this before is I have to become more
right so
that they can become more And then I must become less So they can become more.
And people are like, I don't get that. Well, that goes back to a commercial and profitable enterprise that works without me is I have to raise up my level of leadership to a point that other leaders are coming in up underneath me that can also lead the business. Right. Right. So I was, Tell businesses frequently is like, yeah, you might make a textile or you might do A C or you might do dentistry.
You might do whatever these things are out there
but if you change your mindset and you say I am a leadership organization That does dot dot dot in your own mind and in your mantra in your in your business
When is it happening is people start to operate at a higher level of leadership as long as they understand that it is all dependent on You The leader
owners for example, I can't get blah, blah, blah to do whatever.
I'm like, okay Well, why is that? What are you not communicating? What are you not communicating to yourself? What are you not communicating to others? Yeah, what do you how are you approaching people?
so I frequently see that there is a big disconnect Between an ownership director ceo, whatever their leadership, right?
And how they lead the team Because i've had people go well My leaders just need to be better. And then my first question back to them is, What books have you read on leadership? None. What seminars have you been to? None. So then my question back to them is, did you focus on you?
You create, you go from a level six to a level seven.
And then your leaders will see that and they'll duplicate what they see. Right.
Yeah. That's
how that, that is how pivotal, pivotal, pivotal leadership is in every business and in life. Yeah.
It's, it's easy also to expose what's not like, what's not a leader, as far as like, it needs to be like, oh, I wish my leader was doing X, Y, and Z, but then it goes back to, if you are at any point trying to expose someone or telling somebody what they should do.
Like you have to look internally, like you need to look at yourself within, it goes back to you. And what we've talked about earlier and our other podcasts that you should go listen to, everything starts with you. And if you don't understand who you are and if you get out of this space of like the blame game of like, it's everyone else's fault.
And it's my employee's fault. It's the salesperson fault. Like we didn't close this deal because X, Y, and Z. It's like, well, Are your are your leaders? And are your team are they operating in the best value system that is gaining clients, right? And I think that's something like you have to ask yourself as a business owner
Absolutely, and that's the transparency and authenticity you have to have with yourself Right, so I call it the leadership mirror
your business and people aren't doing what you feel like they should be doing You need to go look in the mirror and and what ends up happening is a lot of times.
It's a reflection of your own leadership Wow Right. And that's, that's leadership. And I, I do that too. Like if, if, uh, Evie and I, you know, run a business together and we work with a team and I'm like, well, if the team isn't doing X, Y, Z, then I don't say the team is this, or the team is that. I say, what aren't we doing?
What aren't we communicating? What aren't we being in order to elicit a response of them duplicating that? Does that make sense?
Yeah. Yeah. So they could, like you said, essentially fill the gaps where the gaps are filled or needed needing to be filled because. It just goes back to, like, you don't have a scalable problem, you have a leadership problem.
That's right.
Right? That's right. So, if your business is not scaling, Then what are you doing as an individual and as a leader that is not scaling the business or scaling the team?
Yeah, and a lot of times people will say, well, I'm a leader of a business. And so are you leader by position?
Mm hmm,
or are you a leader by people wanting to follow you?
Right. Two very different things.
I've been in a lot of situations where people like I am at this or I'm at that or whatever and they Talk about their position.
Mm hmm, and I'm like,
mm hmm Like leadership has like people have to follow it. They follow you because they have to not because they want to.
and if you think that that is a good spot to be in you're you are you are you are so wrong in your approach Right.
and so my goal is and this is the reason why I don't work with everybody Right is but I have to I have to have willing I have to have coachable
Right, and I have to have
people that are that are accountable to building their leadership so that they can lead You that business that will lead their team, that will lead their life, that will lead their family and the experiences and everything, and the legacy that they want to create.
And that keyword coachable always gives me chills as, as far as like, you have to be coachable because if not, and if you're like walking around with earmuffs, like there's nothing wrong with me, there's nothing wrong with my business, then Okay, then you're happy with where you're at and there's nothing wrong with that.
But like you said, you already have identified the people in the businesses that you want to work with and all of them are coachable. Right.
Yes. That's, and that's when I onboard a new client, it's like that way. I'm like, listen, man, we're meeting. Like, I'm like, let's talk. Let's see if we align. Let's just see if we jam together.
Yes. Um, and that's the way I approach all my, clients because I want to make sure that we're aligned in what they want and what how I work with people. Right. Right. And so that's why when I, when I bring on somebody new, like we just jammed, like we're friends, like we have similar interests. I understand what they want for their life and their family and their, their team members.
I understand how they want to serve their community. Yeah. Like I get that stuff and it, It just absolutely overjoys me when I'm seeing them do the things that they talked about in life, whether it's taking a vacation with their kids and family, whether it's being able to take off, uh, instead of a week, they're taking off four weeks, you know, just to build memories.
The best, the best present that you can build with your family are not gifts, but they're your present. presents, right? And giving your family your eye attention. So that's, that's what I want to gift people with my stewardship and with what I do. Um, I just do it through business. Like business is a way that I serve people to help them build the life they desire, which I've said like 57 times.
Yeah. Yeah. So, okay. So recapping it all, what are like the main five or the main points that you want our listeners to take away today? Bring it home as far as like, If they want to continue working with you, where, where do they go? How, how do we continue this conversation? We know that this is not going to be the last conversation about business or branding.
So definitely like stay connected in what we are creating here. Um, but. In all, what's a recap and how do we work with you?
Uh, number one, understand that money model that I talked about the very beginning and wanting to graduate from um Owns a job to owning a system.
let's graduate from here to there We'll talk about the rest later Number two is like understand that if you're a business owner and you're operating at all all the levels of the economic value level, yeah, um
You You are significantly undercutting your opportunity for impact in your own legacy and the community.
Right. And then number three is if you understand that lead, everything starts with leadership and that's leading yourself and the better you are a leader to yourself, you can lead your team. And when you. Are a better leader that leads the right team, your team will grow because right now people are hurting for team members that want to serve because they say they don't want to work.
But I'm telling you the right team members are out there. I help them find them because I'm helping that owner get what they want, but they have to have the right team on board. So we work through that too,
So it's that whole, I guess it's a, it's a total package of understanding what people want, business owners, uh, putting in plans, putting in place the plans to get it.
Um, and then hiring the right team to help them amplify it.
That's so good. And we want to continue this. We want to, there's so many questions I have, and I'm looking forward to all these other episodes because Anthony and I can just be here all day. So we're like, okay, we're going to break down these.
Topics in different settings and different episodes. But, um, to continue the conversation tomorrow or the next day, how can people work with you?
Go hit up my website.
He has a website.
Yeah, I got a website. I'm important.
He's in the digital. Yeah,
I mean, you were telling me, my buddy J. D. was telling me, like, you got to get a website.
I'm like, I don't want a website. Like, it just exhausts me thinking about it. I just want to talk to people. Yeah. And, well, what I've learned in the last six months that having a website has actually allowed me to talk to, like, Eight or nine different people just from having the website, having a digital presence.
So go look at, uh, anthonyblanco. com. Um, that is my, that's the easiest way to come check me out. Um, see some things. And then I would tell you to go to my YouTube channel, but it's a baby podcast. So
we're still going to plug it.
Yeah. Look at me, look at me on Facebook and Instagram and a little bit on LinkedIn getting better at that.
But first place I'd go is just the website to keep it clean. Um, there is a little form. Uh, form fill, like if you're interested in learning more or scheduling some time, so go to the website. Click the little things that say, like, learn more or get in contact.
It'll send me an email and we'll connect.
Yeah. Make sure also too, before you head out, um, subscribe to the podcast.
Subscribe to the podcast.
I've heard that. I just was listening the other day to something. They're like, if you do, they said 90 percent of podcasts, uh, don't do more than three episodes.
Exactly on that
three episodes right now, and we're moving forward.
Alls I gotta do is have my fourth and this is it. This is it. I'm in the top 10% of all podcasters.
Hello. Look, we're moving forward. Let's go. But definitely follow the podcast. Um, the coaching department Yeah. Is the podcast name. Yes. Um, authentic Media is my podcast, so definitely check that out. But yeah.
All right, let's go.
Thanks for tuning in guys. Thanks for watching the Authentic Media Podcast YouTube at Authentic Media Company, our mission is to help you develop an authentic brand so you can make the impact that you are called to make. To make, if you've got anything from today's episode, make sure you drop a comment down below.
I'm interested to see what your takeaways are. And if you haven't already, make sure you're subscribed to our YouTube channel. So you can be the first to know when we drop our newest episode in the meantime, have a great day.